Home Remedies to get rid of Bed bugs

bed bugs removal, bed bug treatment, how to get rid of bed bug treatment
June 24 2021

Since the introduction of pesticides around the middle of the 20th century, the number of bed bugs has decreased significantly. However, this doesn’t mean there are no bed bugs at all. These pests are still one of the biggest pains to the people of America. These creatures feed on dead human skin and live alongside humans. Due to their eating, habits, you can find the places we spend the most time on. For instance, sitting area, carpets, and beds. This is one of the primary reasons that make people look for home remedies to get rid of bugs permanently. 

This is understandable, as the problems created by these pests are just unbearable. However, people do not want to use toxic pesticides inside their homes, and rightfully so. Exposing yourself and your family to toxins without the right knowledge can be very hazardous. So, what do these people do? If you are one of these people, don’t worry. This blog will provide you home remedies for bed bugs. Therefore, lets dive into it. 

Home Remedies for Bed Bug Removal That You Should Give A Try

Here, you will be going through some of the best home remedies that you can use to get rid of bed bugs. Considering that people don’t want to use harmful substances, the list consists of natural methods.  You can use any of these methods within the comfort of your home. No Item used here is toxic. So these are the home remedies to get rid of bugs permanently:

Hot water

The first and one of the easiest home remedies that you can use is this. Bed bugs can’t survive extreme temperatures. Using this knowledge, you can get rid of bed bugs. As such, if you think there are bed bugs in your bed (sheets), blankets, or clothing, you can use hot water to treat them. Using hot water to wash these items can help kill bed bugs since they cannot stand excess heat.
This makes it the simplest home remedy that can be used to kill these pests. In addition to this, its also eco-friendly and doesn’t cost you anything at all. So next time you wash your sheets or clothes use hot water to kill any possible bed bugs.


You use a vacuum every day to clean your home of dust. However, did you know you can also use it to get rid of Bed Bugs? Well, now you do. This another quite simple method that doesn’t require any extra item or money. So next time you are using a vacuum, you should also consider using it on your bed, furniture, as well as the tiny cracks and gaps near or in your bed frame. Plus, you also consider cleaning your box spring. What this does is that it will clean all the possible bed bugs as well as their eggs in the following area.
To improve the results, you can loosen up the bedding and other furniture using a brush. This will detach the bugs and their eggs from the material. Thus, making it easier for the vacuum to do its work. Moreover, you shouldn’t forget to seal all of these pests and get rid of them safely. In addition, you should also clean your vacuum cleaner thoroughly after this.

Steam cleaner

This remedy again concerns the heat factor. However, you can not wash everything with hot water, can you? Most certainly not. But worry not, there’s an alternative. This is the steam cleaner. This method also a proven and effective remedy. Since steam covers a larger area as compared to other methods, it is also more effective. Thus, if you have a steam cleaner lying around your home, you are all set. However, if you can rent an industrial steam cleaner it is even better. 

Diatomaceous earth

If you are looking for natural home remedies to get rid of bed bugs, this is the way to go. Diatomaceous Earth is a chemical-free powder-like substance. It has several applications. People use it to get rid of different pests. However, it works considerably well for bed bugs too. You should keep in mind only the EPA-approved diatomaceous earth.  
This remedy works in a very simple way. It kills bed bugs by dehydrating them. Moreover, it might take as much as a weeks’ worth of time to take effect. Nevertheless, one should be careful while handling this material. Reason being that it is easily inhalable.  Thus, while using this one should be wearing the proper protection required. 

Baking soda

Lastly, this is another quite simple yet effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of annoying bed bugs. This works in the same way as the diatomaceous earth which is killing the pests by dehydrating them. Thus, all you have to do is sprinkle a little baking soda on the affected area. 
After this, you have to let this sit there for as long as a week. Then you can use a vacuum to clean the baking soda. This will kill all of your bed bugs in no time. This is a home remedy to get rid of bugs permanently.

Call “Control My Pest”-One place solution for all pest control needs
In this blog, you read some home remedies that can be used to get rid of bed bugs naturally. Without a doubt, these tips and tricks are quite useful. However, when the severity of infestation increases, these remedies can fail. Plus, bigger infestations can’t be dealt with with simple methods. These processes are quite labor-intensive as well as financially exhausting. This pushes you into a pit of danger. Even if you can deal with them yourself, you might not have the required time, that’s why the solution is perfect for you. What is this solution you ask? It is “Control My Pest”. 
Control My Pest, the place where you can find all your pest control solutions. People who often search “Which is the best pest control company near me?”, this is your answer. We understand that your needs. If you cant get rid of bed bugs, we have to go you covered. All you have to do is reach out to us. From here onwards we shall take care of each and everything.

For those of you, who are concerned about nature, rest assured. For pest exterminators in control, my pest uses the most eco-friendly methods available to them. This helps them provide top-of-the-class service without harming nature. 
So if you fail to use a home remedy to get rid of bugs permanently, Control My Pest has got you covered. Reach out ASAP. 

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